Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Birthday, Chan!

It is finally here.  The big S-I-X.  My oldest actually has to use two hands now to show his age.  How did this happen??

I know, I know. I ask myself that question on every birthday.  But seriously, how did this happen?  Wasn't it just yesterday that he was born?  Weren't we just rocking him to sleep, and changing his diapers, and taking note of all of his "firsts" in his baby book, like, the other day?? 

Well, ready or not for his Momma, six is here.  Here's how we celebrated the big S-I-X:

The first picture of Chan on his 6th birthday.  Little brother had to join in, too.
After school he got to open his presents from Mommy & Daddy.  He was pretty excited to get home to the surprise!
An easy button.  Easiest birthday gift ever.  He loves it.  (That was easy.)
No birthday is complete for Chan without more weaponry.
And his (and Daddy's) new favorite thing: Skylanders!
Momma & Chan on our birthdays.  Chan 6, Momma 32 29
Already getting in to the new Skylanders game.  As you can see, he has his Dad's video game face.
We celebrated with dinner at Cinco (our fave) with all the fam.  Chan, Momma, & Aunt Anna got the birthday whip cream to the face!
We had his friend party at The Koehns.  This is the goody bag & gift table (sans gifts). 
His pirate cupcakes.  I kept it super simple this year, which was nice for a change.  BTW: Thanks Publix for the black and RED cupcakes.  That RED looks awfully pink though.
His birthday invite to The Jolly Roger
Chan & Trev waiting on the crew to arrive
Chan and some of his buds playing swim/sword fight
And Liam and Harlan just cooling off in the tiny pool
Cake and ice cream by the pool
Captain Chandler's First mate
And my sweet birthday boy.  I mean "Captain Chandler".
Fun was had by all, and Momma didn't even get all stressed out and crazy about it this year.  Cause ain't nobody got time for that!  We had a great weekend of celebrating our big kid and look forward to all the fun that 6 will bring!

"Grown don't mean nothing to a mother.  A child is a child.  They get bigger, older, but grown?  What's that suppose to mean?  In my heart it don't mean a thing."
~Toni Morrison, from Beloved~

Happy Birthday my sweet Chan!  I love you to the moon and back, over and over again!

P.S.- Yes, I realize this post is a week late, but better late than never, right?
P.P.S.- Yes, I also realize that my 2 1/2 year old still has a paci, but in my defense, we have tried getting rid of it and he keeps hiding them places.  We're working on it. :)

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