Sunday, April 29, 2012

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's SUPERCHAN!

So, today (April 28th, even though technically it is just past midnight, making it the 29th,  which means I am late posting again...urgh) is National Superhero Day.  Being a mother of boys, I need to know things like this. 

Chandler has been sick most of the week with a fever virus.  Poor fella was so super excited about going camping with his aunt, uncle, and cousins this weekend after his soccer game.  He woke up today without a fever for the first time since Wednesday.  But, since he had a temp last night I didn't want him to go to his soccer game...or his camping trip.  Instead, we had some fun at home.  Being National Superhero Day and all, we decided to play dress up.  There are a few pics of him below being all superhero-y.

And all this superhero-ness got me thinking of a quote I love (that you can read below), which got me thinking about the character traits that superheroes have.  The obvious ones come to mind first; strong, brave, courageous.  But, superheroes are also selfless, determined, intelligent, humble, have a strong moral code, and are always willing to uphold peace, justice, and goodness.  Wouldn't it be amazing if everyone lived that way?  I sure hope to instill some superhero qualities in my boys along this route of growing up.  And some really cool gadgets and superhuman abilities would be cool, too...but I doubt I can make that part happen.


Because he "really can't fly", he climbs trees instead

Captain America

Thor.  This one just makes me laugh.

Spiderman.  We don't have the costume itself, so we had to improvise with blue clothes and red soccer socks.

Woody is a "good sheriff", which makes him a superhero to Chan

Good pirates find treasure, and according to Chan that makes them superheroes, too.  And they also all wear tie-dye in case you weren't aware.

My personal fave, SUPERCHAN!!

"You don't raise heroes, you raise sons.  And if you treat them like sons, they'll turn out to be heroes, 
even if it's just in your own eyes."
~Walter M. Schirra, Sr.~

Till next week friends!
Brittany :)

1 comment:

  1. oh gosh these photos are soooo cute. I was smiling the whole time!
