Saturday, May 26, 2012

Good-Bye PreK, Hello Kindergarten!

Ah, brings many things.  Flowers, sunshine, warmer temps, lightening bugs, and...graduations.  This past Wednesday was Chandler's last day of PreK!  Though they didn't have a formal "graduation" (this is just the beginning, after all), we did have a celebration of the first year of schooling complete.  Let me just tell you...this seems impossible.  It seems like just yesterday that I was taking my sweet boy in to his first day of PreK....and now all of a sudden he is finished. Just like that!  Though it went by all too fast, what a difference this year has made!

Chandler's first and last day of PreK
I mean, just look at the difference!  On the left is my sweet, little baby, and on the right is my KINDERGARTENER!  What??  Impossible!  But so many other changes have taken place in my sweet Chan this year.  And I couldn't be prouder of the progress that he has made!  He has not only grown like a weed this year, but he has learned everything he needs in order to be prepared academically for kindergarten, learned how to think through his actions, use his words to express himself, take turns and share (even when he doesn't want to), & follow directions and rules from adults (even when he doesn't want to).  He has learned how to think outside the box, how to build and create, & how to relate to others' thoughts, feelings, and experiences.  He has learned and used new vocabulary words (good ones), and become interested in concepts and ideas that were brand new to him.  He has grown so much...academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviorally.  And I have his super loving, super awesome, super amazing teacher to thank for that!

Chan & Mrs. Susan on the first and last day of PreK
Mrs. Susan has been a blessing to us this year!  I have been so in awe at the beautiful job that she did this year with Chandler and his class.  Especially since this was her first year as a PreK teacher!  I have taught with Mrs. Susan for the past four years, and always thought she was a great teacher.  But, know I truly know that she is far more than great!  She is the AMAZING!  I am so grateful for the dedication, patience, love, and knowledge that she has poured into these children this past year.  She was the perfect fit for my wild and crazy kid, and I know for certain that God sent her to PreK for many reasons; one of them being my son, and 19 more were his friends that went to school with him each day.

"Thumb"body loves Mrs. Susan!  Her painting from the PreK kiddos.

Group hug!
Chandler also had the privilege of spending his days with two very special and lovely ladies that helped Mrs. Susan.  They, too, made a positive difference in the daily lives of these kiddos.  We have been blessed to have Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Stephanie, too!
Chan & Mrs. Lee

Chan & Mrs. Stephanie

Though it seems nearly impossible for me to have a child ready to enter kindergarten, I suppose it must be true.  They tell me he is ready.  But this Momma just may not be ready!  I fear I will be the sobbing, weepy parent on the first day of school that is made to leave by the teacher because she can't control herself.  We may just have to do some practice drop-offs...something to prepare Momma Koehn!

Chan's PreK friends at Circle S Farms

One last thing: I totally loved this Pinterest idea that I think everyone has seen at this point.  I bought Chan the book Oh, the Places You'll Go! (which happens to be one of my favorites) and had his PreK teachers sign it for him.  The plan is to have his teachers sign it each year.

Messages from PreK
I will leave off tonight with one of my favorite quotes ever from Dr. Seuss, one that I put in my kindergarteners' portfolios at the end of each school year.  It couldn't be more appropriate.

"So be sure when you step.  Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act.  Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.  And never mix up your right foot with your left.  And will you succeed?  Yes!  You will, indeed!  (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)

Till next week friends!
Brittany :)

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