Saturday, August 11, 2012

First & Foremost

This has been a week full of firsts in the Koehn household.  Let's start with mine and Liam's firsts, shall we?

Liam and I had our first day at Mother's Day out this week!  Thursday was our open house morning, so I got to meet my new class.  I am pretty sure that they are gonna be great!  I have 10 super sweet kiddos.  I am still reveling in the fact that I have such a small group!  I am used to a full house of 20 kindergarteners, so this is kind of nice.  I am super excited to have our first full day (9:00-2:00) next week.

Sweet little Lamb may not be as excited about going to his new school.  If you know Liam at all, you know that he is a bona fide Momma's boy.  And spending the summer at home with me everyday has definitely strengthened our little bond.  Here he is before we headed out the door for school.

Gosh, could he be any cuter??!!  He was so happy to be heading out the door with Momma.  He loves to go anywhere; outside, for a car ride, for a walk.  He is constantly taking my index finger and leading me around the house to the back door.  But, what happened next he did not like so much...

He totally didn't see that coming.  Here he is with his MDO teacher, Mrs. Stephanie.  Trust me, he was fine after a minute.  So pitiful though!  He had a good time; played ball, music, took a nap.  Overall a great first day (as long as you don't judge it by his face in this photo).

And what about Chan's firsts for the week?  Well, he completed his first full week of kindergarten!  Yay!  And Tuesday he pulled his first strip for breaking a rule in kindergarten...and Wednesday he pulled his second strip for breaking another rule in kindergarten...and Friday he pulled yet another strip for breaking a rule in kindergarten.  (Are you kidding me, Chandler Koehn??!!)  Oh, but wait, I'm not done yet.  Friday afternoon he told his first lie to his Mommy in an attempt at covering up said pulled strip.  OH.NO.HE.DIDN'T!!!!  But, yes,'s true.

Let me just go on record as saying that I never expected my child to go into school having a perfectly clean slate everyday.  He had a very fun, very busy, very exciting first week of kindergarten!  But, let's all remember that Chandler is full of fun, busyness (funny business???), excitement, and silliness.  (He does take after his father, after all.)  I expected him to need a week or two (I'm hoping not three, but we'll see) to adjust to his new school, teacher, friends, and rules.  And as a former kindergarten teacher, I also know that you have to lay down the law the first few weeks; you cannot let anything slide or those kids will rule the roost for the year.  So, we talked about the reasons for his pulled strips & ways that he could've behaved differently.

What I did not expect was for him to lie to me to try and cover it up!  Where in the world do these little creatures get the idea that they will get out of trouble by lying about it??  As a teacher there wasn't a single year that went by that I didn't have a student doing the exact same thing.  So, we had a heart to heart about the importance of being honest and always, Always, ALWAYS telling the truth.  I sure do hope that it sunk in with him.

Overall, I would say that Chan had a great first week of school.  A couple of slip-ups, but something that we will work on until it gets better.  And if it doesn't and he ends up in the principal's office...I am so sending Justin Koehn in with him! :)

"Children are natural mimics who act like their parents 
despite every effort to teach them good manners."

Till next week friends!
Brittany :)

1 comment:

  1. What a week! Glad your MDO program is looking good to you. I want to work at one to in the future. I think I would enjoy it a lot. Your kids give the cutest little smiles in their pictures. They look so sweet with a side of mischievous. I hope Chandler has a better week. I'm sure it was a big adjustment for him and he will likely do better this coming week. At least you have a heads up on the things Kindergarteners do and how to correct them for it. I will have zero clue about little boy kindergartener antics and will have to tackle them as I go. Lord help me. lol

    I'm loving reading the blog each week! Keep it up!
