Saturday, October 20, 2012

Five Little Pumpkins

Disclaimer:  This post is going to be oh so very short and sweet.  There are Halloween costumes that need to be made and this girl has got to get crackin'!

Today Justin and I (along with Aunt Carly and her boyfriend Trevor) took the boys to Pumpkin Hill.  We had intended to get pumpkins on our trip to Lucky Ladd Farms last week, but ran out of time.  We always enjoy our trips to Pumpkin Hill though, so we just figured we would hit it up today and grab our pumpkins for carving.  There's not nearly as much to do as the other farms around the area, but they are close, super nice, and nowhere near as crowded as the other places.

The boys weren't too keen on pictures today, which was a complete bummer since my new camera came in this week (WOOT!).  Let me just start out with a picture from last year's visit to see what a difference a year can make:

Poor Liam looks so uncomfortable! fast this year has gone!

And here are some from today's visit.  I hate that I don't have one of the boys together in the pumpkins, but Chan was running all over like a crazy kid and Liam was just throwing the pumpkins because to him they were "baaas!" (balls).

The best we could do today of the boys together.  As usual, Liam doesn't want to cooperate or let Chan touch him.

A must every year :)

About to go on the hayride

On the hayride

WOULD NOT sit down for me...just happy to walk around and throw the pumpkins

Our 2012 jack-o-lanterns

Oh, there are five little pumpkins this year because Chan insisted that Snuggly (his bedtime blanket) needed one.  This is not some cutesy way of announcing there is a new baby on the way.

"May jack-o-lanterns burning bright
Of soft and golden hue
Pierce through the future's veil and show
What fate now holds for you."
~Author Unknown~

Till next week friends!
Brittany :)

P.S.- Just realized that this quote paired with the jack-o pic does makes it seem like this is a pregnancy announcement, but truly it's not.  Again, let me just make it new Koehn babies on the horizon.....for now ;)

1 comment:

  1. I will admit it, I too thought this was a cute little way to announce that those boys were going to be big brothers. I will also admit I was a little sad to read that the 5th was just to represent his blankie. haha Well maybe next year you can have 5 little pumpkins and one actually be a baby K#3... :)
