Saturday, February 16, 2013

New & Improved

Does it count as changing clothes for today if I just put on a different pair of pajamas?  Even if it was 7pm before that happened??  I did shower in between; so that counts, right???

Okay, so I may have been pretty lazy today, but in all fairness, we kind of desereved a day off.  Us Koehns (like just about everyone else here lately) have been battling with the sicks.  Chan woke with a stomach virus on Wednesday and is still on the tail end of it, and Jus and I both have the crud.  And poor Liam...I don't know how he has any snot left, he's been pouring it out for weeks.  So gross.

Anyhoo, I just wanted to make a quick post here to unveil the new and improved look of Snips & Snails.  When I started the blog a year ago, I just picked a generic Blogger template and have been meaning to go back and make it prettier.  I figured today was as good a day as any, so here it is.  I spent most of the afternoon getting it updated....  Okay, that's a lie.  I found new pretty things to use and watched while Justin painstakingly edited everything and pieced it together for me.  (Good thing I have a nerdy husband who can make these things happen, because I so do not speak HTML.)

Let me know what you think!  I love reading your comments and feedback!  And if you aren't a follower of Snips & Snails, go ahead and jump on the bandwagon for me!  You can follow me on the right hand side over there --------> or you can subscribe by email.

And because I hardly ever post without a picture or two, here is a collage of photos we took on Valentines Day:
So, here is a little quote in honor of the blog's new look.  Adios to the robots!  Thanks to for the new look!  And a big kudos to Justin Koehn for doing all the legwork for me!

"If you don't like something, change it."
~Mary Engelbreit~

Till next week friends!
Brittany :)

1 comment:

  1. Blog looks great and so does your family...and trust me, just about every family is battling the "sicks".

    I write a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I’m your newest follower.
