Friday, May 31, 2013

My Kindergarten Graduate

Well, we did it.  We survived our kindergarten year, and this Momma cannot believe it's already come to an end.  I mean, really....I say it every year, but this one went by too terribly fast.

Let me just say that I could not have been happier with Chan's kindergarten year.  Really.  We have LOVED it.  From having the best teacher ever (shout out to Mrs. Capley!!), to some fabulous experiences, to learning so very was simply the best year of kindergarten that I could've asked for.  (And trust me, I have some high expectations after teaching kindergarten for 8 years).

So, to recap, here is Chan's kindergarten experience in a nutshell:
He had his first day of kindergarten on August 3, 2012 and loved it,
Had a kindergarten picnic with new friends in September,
Took a field trip to Shuckle's Corn Maze in October,
Played Joseph in the Christmas program in December,
Had lots of playdates with buddy Sam,
Celebrated 100 Days of School in January,
Participated in the first annual Lakeview Fun Run with his class (and made front page news for it),
And ran 41 laps in that Fun Run,
Hiked through the woods with some buddies on a field trip in May,
When the class took another field trip to Long Hunter State Park (yes, Chan is crying and whining in this one),
Had indoor field day since it was raining,
But didn't really seem to mind too much,
Even had tug-of-war indoors (and won 2 matches!),
Performed in the Kindergarten Spring Program,
And held up his number 3 like a champ!
Received his Kindergarten Diploma
From his very favorite kindergarten teacher!
Played in the water on Kindergarten Fun Day,
Spent one more recess playing with his buddies as kindergarteners,
And ate one last lunch with Momma in the cafeteria as a kindergartener.
And here it is....the difference that this year of kindergarten has made in my sweet Chandler Keaton:
First day of Kindergarten in August & Last day of Kindergarten in May
First day with Mrs. Capley & Last day with Mrs. Capley
And his first & last time to sit at his kindergarten table in Mrs. Capley's class
Cause this little kiddo is headed to the 1st grade in August! 
Chandler has had a super, great year and the pictures above aren't even the half of it!  I am so thankful for his school, administration, teachers, staff, friends, and everyone else involved that have made this year so successful.  Especially BIG thank you to his teacher, Mrs. Capley.  We SO wish you would just go ahead and loop up to first grade with us!

I am going to end today's post with this writing by Erma Bombeck that I read at the end of year celebrations for each of my kindergarten classes.  (Mommas who are reading, get ready for tears.)

"I see children as kites.  You spend a lifetime trying to get them off the ground.  You run with them until you're both breathless...they add a longer tail...they hit the pluck them out of the spout.  You patch and comfort, adjust and teach.  You watch them lifted by the wind and assure them that someday they'll fly.

Finally, they are airbone, but they need more string, so you keep letting it out.  With each twist of the ball of twine there is a sadness that goes with the joy, because the kite becomes more distant, and somehow you know it won't be long before that beautiful creature will snap the lifeline that bound you together and soar as it was meant to soar---free and alone.

Only then do you know that you did your job."
~Erma Bombeck~
from Forever, Erma

Till next time friends!
Brittany :)

P.S.- I don't know how I managed to read that to a gym full of parents and students every year without losing it...I am sobbing like a baby now!

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