Thursday, May 9, 2013

Liam is Two!

Two years ago today at about 5:30 in the morning I told Justin that we needed to head to the hospital.  His response: "Really?  I have A LOT of stuff to do today."  (Yes, seriously.  He said that.  Goober.)

Well, somehow he managed to get off for the day so that we could go have a baby.  And about four hours later, our little family of three blossomed into a family of four.

Our first photo as a family of four.  I don't have any idea what Chan is doing here.  But I love it.
Two years ago.  Two.Years.Ago.  You have GOT to be kidding me!  While it seems as if Liam has been a fixture in this family forever, it also seems impossible that his two years have flown by so quickly!  This literally seems like yesterday. 

So, Liam...for your birthday post, I thought I'd share ONE photo from each month that you were one year old.  (Do you know how hard this was for me?  To pick just one?!  Because you are so stinking cute!)  Anyhoo, here goes:

May: Your first month as a one year old!

June: Your eyes absolutely captivate me in this picture

July: The look on your face here exemplifies your everyday attitude!  Such a happy boy!

August: You first day of Mother's Day Out.  Precious, sweet face!!

September: You were so proud to have found big brother's birthday cupcakes.  Sneaky little thing!

October: You were the cutest, little scarecrow I have ever seen!

November: You LOVE to be outside, just running around like a crazy kid.

December: You have your tongue out in SO MANY pictures!  I love it.  (By the way,  pretty sure you and Daddy were competing for the Ugliest Christmas Sweater award).

January: Much to Daddy's dismay, it was January before hockey season started!  From this point on, you and Chandler spent lots of time watching hockey with Daddy.

February: I love this one because of your stance here.  You do this ALL the time.  Sometimes you will do it, then jump up and run away, sometimes you do it to let us know that you are about to break out with some serious dance moves.  Either way, I love it.

March: I'm not sure why, but I love this shot of you.  I caught you off guard one morning when you were putting on your rain boots (you constantly wear them running about the house).  You are starting to look like such a big boy in this one.

April: Did I say big boy?!  Yes!  Just a month before your second birthday here and you've nearly lost the baby look. 

May: And here you were yesterday.  Your last day as a one year old.
I have treasured every day you've been with us.  I thank God every single day for the blessing that you are to this family.  I pray that you will always be the loving, joyful, funny, sweet soul that you have been every single day of your life.   Happy Birthday, Baby Lamb!

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."
~Robert Munsch~
from Love You, Forever

Love you to the moon and back (over and over again),
Mommy :)

P.S.- Darn you Robert Munsch!  You get me every time!  Off I go to fix my mascara...

1 comment:

  1. Yes that book makes my teary every last time. With that said, I have read it every night for about a year because Gav is obsessed and it STILL brings tears. When I was reading down the blog and read that I had instant tears then read where you wrote it got you and now I am laughing so thanks for the rush of multi emotions back to back. haha Happy Birthday to your precious baby boy!
